Temperature Change Stress Cracks In Glass Windows And How To Deal With Them

Posted on: 2 September 2016

Glass is a strong material that makes excellent widows, but stress cracks can still appear in it due to temperature changes. This is especially true when the temperature change goes from extreme hot to cold. Here is what you need to know about this problem.

Why Do Stress Cracks Appear In Glass Windows?

When temperatures change suddenly in glass, there is a chance that it may expand or contrast. This isn't a major problem in most glass windows, as they are given to some degree of size change, but over time excessive temperature may cause small cracks to appear. Once these cracks appear, there's a good chance they'll continue to grow.

This is especially common if a new source of shade appears or disappears on your glass. For example, a new building next door could keep it from getting enough heat in the winter, making is susceptible to cracks. The opposite problem (removed shade) may cause cracks in the summer.

Replacing The Windows

When you see stress cracks appear in your glass, it's probably a good time to replace the window. However, you should expect to pay anywhere from $300 to $1,000 per window. Higher prices are more common if complete frame replacement is necessary, but if you're just replacing the glass, the cost is less severe.

Also expect to pay higher prices for double pane windows and those that have argon glass. These make the windows more energy efficient, which may help avoid temperature damage and save you money on your heating and cooling bills. Have a glass or window company do the installation for you to prevent accidental damage.

Preventing This Problem In Future Glass Windows

After you get replacement windows, try to carefully manage the shade on your windows to maintain a manageable temperature. You should also try to balance the temperature inside your home with that on the outside.

In extreme weather conditions (such as the dead of winter or the heat of extreme summer), this is a little harder, but it's still possible. Try to keep your home at the low end of room temperature (64 degrees Fahrenheit) in the winter and on the high end (73 degrees Fahrenheit) in the summer to avoid an extreme heat difference.

These simple steps will protect the glass of your windows from developing dangerous stress cracks that can compromise the strength of your windows. Talk to a glass installation expert immediately if you are worried about this problem increasing in severity.
